
Pothos All Varieties

Pothos plants are also known as Money Plants and come in a rage of shades from lime green to traditional green with white streaks.

Pothos is a trailing plant suitable for the newbie plant lover or a veteran plant parent! This is an easy to care for plant that grows prolifically once it has settled into its spot.

Type: Tropical Vines

Also Known As:
- Money Plant

Ideal For:
- Plant Enthusiasts/Collectors
- New Plant Owners
- Pet Owners

General Care Instructions

Light: This plant enjoys medium to bright indirect light. Though it tolerates low light, it will look it's best in brighter spaces. It also tolerates fluorescent lighting making it ideal for office spaces.

Water: Water weekly, allowing the top soil to dry out before watering.

Notes: Keep an eye out on the gap between leaves -- if the gap is big, it means your plant is not receiving enough light. Although easy to care for, Pothos are also susceptible to mealy bugs. Should this happen we suggesting pruning with impunity and cleaning each leaf thoroughly with soapy water. This treatment may need to be repeated multiple times!