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Nephrolepis is a pet-friendly fern that is a well loved houseplant because of tolerance of low light areas. This plant is a well known air purifier and grows slowly requiring minimal repotting or movement.

Type: Fern

Also Known As:
- Boston Fern
- Sword Fern
- Ladder Fern

Ideal For:
- Low-light areas
- Pet Owners

General Care Instructions

Light: Nephrolepis plants grow best in shady areas. Found naturally in lightly wooded tropical areas, Nephrolepis plants grow in moisture-rich areas closer to or on the ground. To care for Nephrolepis as a houseplant, place it in an area with indirect or shady light. Too much light, or direct light will scorch your plant.

Water: Nephrolepis prefer evenly moist surroundings. Watering the soil often during growth will help to maintain a healthy environment for your fern. Never allow the soil to become dry to the touch. Water from the edge and not in the centre of the plant.

Notes: This plant does well grouped with similar fern plants!