
Aloe Aristata

Aloe Aristata has dark green spikey leaves with white bumps. This plant is similar to Hawarthia

Type: Full Sun Succulent and Cacti

Also Known As:
- Lace Aloe
- Torch Plant
- Guinea Fowl Aloe

Ideal For:
- Cactus and succulent enthusiasts

General Care Instructions

Light: Indoors, locate your aloe in a spot that offers bright, indirect sunlight. Aloe Vera doesn’t appreciate sustained direct sunlight, as this tends to dry out the plant too much and turn its leaves yellow.

Water: Water aloe vera plants deeply, but infrequently. To discourage rot, allow the soil to dry at least 5cm deep between waterings. Water about every 2 weeks and even more sparingly during the winter.

Notes: Aloe is a succulent and it stores water in its leaves. Less is more when watering! If you’re lucky, this plant may produce fleeting orange flowers in summer!